STUDIO BRIEF 2 - Individual Practice & Final Illustrations
- I would say that I am proud and satisfied with the outcome of this project due to various reasons. One of the main reasons is being able to create something I am genuinely interested in. I have found that I enjoy working traditionally more effectively since I have yet to master digital media. From the previous module, I found that I quite enjoy creating animated illustrations, despite it being simple movements as it seems more inviting and suits the current modern trend (gifs, online platforms, social media etc)
- Currently, I could say that I am interested in branding, retail and those alike. But this is still indefinite. I am at a point where I really should start being more selective rather than wanting to do everything. I should focus more on developing my skills in image-making and simply create things I enjoy doing.
- Thoughts to carry-on for future projects: I would like to work on more content and crafting my illustrations/image-making. Less on wanting to make things for the purpose of aesthetics? I feel that I tend to dwell and overthink my own work which often cause the constant changes with my ideas or generally being stuck on a problem. I simply need to be more decisive and confident with my own work with the right amount of planning and ongoing evaluation.