Saturday 2 March 2019

Wrote myself a little brief

Brief: Indonesian Youths 

What is it about? 

This project will revolve around the idea of youth and the current generation. I want to focus on the themes of 'home' and ‘ngopi’ as it is an integral aspect to our culture, to just sit around, hold conversations, take it slow and enjoy life. 

Food is a large part to Indonesia culture, but it is mostly about socialising and sharing stories over the table with your family and friends. The young ones listen to their elders and learn about the culture and the past. 

What story do I want to tell? 

It’s about story telling and preserving heritage. I want to educate people through my illustrations. 

How will it look like? 

A package? A letter to introduce people to Indonesia. 

  • stamps (for post/mail)
  • postcards (landmarks, flora/fauna) 
  • maps (places to go/see, food) 
  • cards (with known characters “tokoh” “pahlawan”)
  • poster 

2018 Tourism Ad. I would also like to look 
emphasize on the diversity of our country.

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