Friday 29 September 2017

About the Author - Zine completed!

  • Feedback: atmospheric, visual metaphors, quotes to evoke emotion and research came through the visuals. Improvement? More about the author, attention to drawing style to help communicate tone?
  • I thought that it was quite a good start to this brief. It's good to see that the main visual elements and message were successfully communicated. I agree with not illustrating enough on the author. There wasn't much on Murakami as he is a rather reclusive man. 
  • I mainly focused on the world of his books and illustrate elements from his quotes. There were a lot that he discussed through his writings, such as wanderlust, alienation, disappearing (?) and generally gloomy concepts. Though I would have liked to look more into him as an author and a person. Perhaps I would carry this on with the other briefs. 

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