Friday 29 September 2017

Editorial Illustrator - Jun Cen 

Making House: Notes on domesticity (digital)
- The New York Times

Editorial 2015, The New York Times

  • He uses quite a lot of metaphors and symbolism, which is quite subtle unless time was taken to properly 'read' these illustrations. His illustrations shows a lot of narrative though it isn't straight forward, yet slightly vague. The mystery is an interesting element and catches the audiences attention. 
  • His use of colors are also minimal though some are very bold and strong. It is very easy on the eyes and allows more focus on the imagery.
  • He uses a few texture and values as well as mark making. I am not quite sure whether it is digitally made or traditional then scanned in (?) His use of colors, scale and value adds depth. Also the organic look works well. 
  • Though his tone of voice is quite clear from his use of soft colors and print-like texture. Though his imagery is rather powerful and stimulates discussion/thought from the audience. I myself thought 'that was clever' or 'I didn't think about that.'

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