Sunday 25 September 2016


The inward expression and various shapes reflects me as a fresher this past week. The re-used flyers and brochures were deliberately shaped into paper planes, cranes and hints of nature. In a way it reflects the journey I had gone through, the freedom I had been given and the sudden feeling of stepping into foreign lands. I had thought that the looming shadow seem to bring forth the idea of something vague and undetermined is yet to come. 

Personally, I am not entirely satisfied with the final outcome...I feel that there is something that is lacking. Perhaps this approach is rather abstract and obscure. I could have explored more on the shapes and materials, to accentuate the concept even more. As for the photograph, I may have darkened the room and used a spotlight to give a little more dramatic punch. 

Furthermore I think that planning big should not have stopped me from developing further. Though the fault in my plan may have been practicality. Instead of creating complex things, I should have thought more about how I could visually communicate my ideas through images. 

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