Tuesday 30 January 2018

GOALS FOR 504 - Applied Illustration

  • What would I bring forward from 503? I would like to do more research/content based work. Perhaps also combining both analog and digital way of illustrating, for instance using print method for textures and then create illustrations on Photoshop. 
  • During the last module, I felt that I had mainly been out of my comfort zone by trying different production methods (relief and screen printing, publication). This time, I would like to focus on my interests and strengths, further developing them. However I would not stop challenging myself since it helped me select my interests and dislikes. 
  • Things to accomplish by May? I suppose the complete the live brief before spring break, invest time in testing and developing. But as well as start with the the individual brief, thinking of what I would like to do and where it lies/shape my practice.

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