Tuesday 9 January 2018

PRINTED PICTURES - Reflective Piece

There were a lot more decision making in this brief, in comparison to the first: 
    • Initially I was not sure if I should insert text or a quotation in the concertina. Though after I included texts, it gave some sort of context and not simply be images. I then thought of conveying Murakami's philosophy of life and the seashore being a metaphor of a journey of self-discovery (Kafka on the Shore)
    • A great opportunity for me to work with InDesign and screen printing, in which I wasn't too comfortable with. I actually enjoy the process and it is an efficient method of creating multiples. The final outcome appears cleaner but still having those printed textures
    • First time making a concertina and it could have gone wrong, but it didn't thankfully. The individual prints looked more connected as a publication. There is this narrative going on especially having those little Murakami's travelling across the prints.
    • Time management was essential for this particular brief. Planning ahead and booking slots helped with productivity and efficiency in the printing process. Bookings in the print dungeon and the print room got rather full towards the Christmas break. 
    • Room for improvement? Yes. If I were to be meticulous, I had hoped to crease and fold the pages for the concertina more so it would be cleaner and crisp. I would also have tried a different paper stock as this might be a bit thicker than I initially expected. Though I am satisfied with the matte finish as it suits the softness and desaturated nuance.
Overall, I am very satisfied and it is a very refreshing project in terms of being able to try things that I rarely done. I was given results that were mostly unexpected, which made me do more experimenting and tests which was insightful.

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