Tuesday 16 April 2019

Change of plans! (ㆆᴗㆆ) *internally screaming*

Makoto Shinkai - Artbook
  • I might create a publication -an art book. I would compile my individual designs I made for this self-initiated project into a book to give more context to my work? 
  • Confusion - I hit a stump at where this project was going. I needed direction. I had a lot of source and material to work from but I just couldn't see how I can communicate it all effectively. 
  • Throughout this project, I had unnecessary thoughts of not doing enough or being ambitious enough. I suppose this project is one of my biggest challenge for the year because I am not used to being 'set free', to do things my way. I was accustomed to responding to briefs and having set on what to do.

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