Saturday, 13 April 2019

Research & Contextualizing: Indonesian Youths

As much as Indonesia is rich culture, flora and fauna, the society is terribly behind times and it is something that is not often discussed in public. The country isn't open to its citizen on discussing 'controversial' issues due to rules and regulations -we are not given enough freedom of speech.

Older generation & younger generation: there is a huge gap between these two generations in terms of culture and traditions. We still have a strong sense of seniority and it is important for us to keep our traditions. Some Indonesians from the older generations are known to be conservative. Whereas the younger generation have adapted a more progressive and liberal mindset due to Westernization and access to information (internet, world news etc).

The youths however nowadays are more willing to 
stand up for what they think is right
Topics such as the LGBTQ+ is a 'taboo' back in Indonesia and it is something that isn't exactly celebrated (Aceh: a city in the Sumatran island, would resort to public flogging if a couple of the same sex would be seen being intimate Slandering or portraying the government in a negative light is also a big no

Not only do young Indonesians face pressure from society, but also from their own families. It is important for us to maintain our family's honor and success is everything. I have been in education for so long (17 years). On top of school, we are also expected to have extra-curricular classes (such as math tutoring, sports, piano lessons etc) after school. Being educated is highly celebrated. The quality of eduction on the other hand, is not so great. Most private schools get international curriculums, though the government run ones doesn't give students the education they deserve. We are taught by strictly by the textbook and do multiple exams, not giving the youth space to grow and achieve. (schools are like a factory)

Leading back to those conservative views, where Indonesians are known to purely listen to their community, word of mouth and not do enough research -not wanting to know more. Though this attitude can be explained by the collective nature of the society but also societal pressure. This is problem of having a closed mindset is addressed by a talk below:

Up coming presidential election. A lot of young people
are thinking of abstaining from voting

The granddaughter of Indonesia's former 

This is a side that I want to disclose to the public about the difficulties of being a youth in Indonesia. However, this DOES NOT apply to ALL Indonesians.

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