Wednesday 1 May 2019

Reflection 1 - 12/11/18

Is your Proposal Viable?
  • Don't work on too many briefs, several quick and short ones. Perhaps a longer one?
  • Perhaps bring in a personal project? Something not client-based. 
What next?
  • Just start think of ideas and creating, sketches, designs etc.
  • Research 
Recommendations for research tasks. 
  • Start with what you are most comfortable with: the Student Design Award (Norwegian Wood by Murakami)
  • Look into Heinz, what is it about etc. 
Other comments
  • Campaign, design related work: think about the client or audience. Where and who is this being showed to? 
  • The next steps are just to do more research into the projects, the themes as well as the target audience. I need to have a good understanding of the intended audience to find the most suitable tone of voice and visual appeal. I should also start by making roughs and sketches done for the smaller briefs and projects. Just to kick-start everything. 
  • So far, I could say that I work better with a set brief, that can be restrictive at times. Though I would also try making self-initiated projects, which would rather be small and quick to do. This would allow me to simply create things for the sake of creating and lets me showcase my own town of voice and practice. I am also open to more collaborative projects as I have done a couple in the past and I enjoyed working with people from other disciplines. Working as a team may be difficult at times, in terms of communication and sometimes clashing in ideas, but through collaborative projects, great work could be made. 

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