Wednesday 1 May 2019

Reflection 3 - 28/01/19

Discuss ideas for projects to be undertaken for the remainder of this module.
  • Time Management
    • Prioritise choreo 
    • Don't focus too much on a single project
  • Animation is really strong - big work? 
  • Norwegian Wood (the lino cut design) suits the theme
Is this the direction you want your work to go in? 
  • Clients: commercial companies
  • Correct pathway to possible prospect jobs
What next?
  • Find a personal driven work. Find where your passion lies. 
  • Monkey designs for client?
    • Logo Design
    • Establish project parameters
Other comments.
  • Time management. It is crucial since there are various things running at the same time. With doing various brief simultaneously, I may be losing focus on creating work. I need to figure out where my passion lies, what I really enjoy creating and have a smaller project where it solely focus on self-initiated work. I need to find a project that I know I will be invested in and start deciding on what I would like to showcase in my portfolio.

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