Wednesday 1 May 2019

Who am I?

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  • I felt the need to do everything, not establishing strong skills/practice.
  • I did not have enough confidence, constantly doubting myself and my practice. I tend to constantly think if the work I am producing is enough.
  • It took two years to explore my interests and practice. Two years to figure out what I enjoy making. I did not have a complete grasp on my own practice.
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  • Work efficiency: Digital media. Mainly due to working remotely during the internship. Though I found out that I quite enjoy working digitally. 
  • Cogiving - Bye Bye Plastic Bag: I learnt quite a lot interning with this organization. I discovered ways of building a community and business that had purpose behind it. I learnt about art and sustainability, entrepreneur-skills etc.
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  • Simple shapes: communicating effectively through simple shapes. (But I also want the audience to have their own interpretation of things, based on their own background knowledge.)
  • Though at this point, I don't think that I am fixed with a certain aesthetic of tone of voice. This tends to be how I usually (naturally) work. 
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  • I am really interested in the creative industry, particularly the visual content marketing side. As well as the creative economy, which includes technology and social aspects. Concentrating around products and services that bears creative content, cultural value and market objectives. 

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  • Aspirations and goals: would be nice to work for a company or agency. I actually enjoy working for the creative aspect of corporate work (eg. marketing, advertising). I think that my practice could lead to a more commercial path. 
  • I'd like to think that I am a simple person. I want to illustrate things I am comfortable with. Receiving praise is good, but I have come to understand that being able to accept oneself is important. 

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