Wednesday 1 May 2019

Statement of Intent: Revised

Original Statement: Link

(New) List of Projects: 
*links to specific projects posts

Live Brief

- Student Design Award: Haruki Murakami book cover Link

Client Brief/Commission 

- Start Me Up: Branding Link
Collaborative animated short Link


- Made in Indonesia Project Link
   - Publication/art book about youths in Indonesia (through a local lense)
   - Sticker set
   - Gifs

Changes made: 

Live Briefs: I dropped the D&AD brief and decided to stick to the Student Design Award brief. I decided to focus on that and I felt that I lost focus on the other competition briefs that I initially planned on doing. 

Self-initiated: I decided to use the time for the other live briefs for a longer project. I suppose this is a project that would showcase more of my personal work. Instead of the initial plan of creating smaller self-initiated projects, I decided to create a bigger and longer one where I could just invest my time in and create. 

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