Monday 7 November 2016


Additional Thoughts

  • I thought that the feedback session was very useful. Not only do I get different opinions about my ideas, but the things my peers had said made me think more critically about my own work. Whether there was something lacking? or whether I could perhaps look more into? Media?
  • I received a few feedbacks about showing more relation to the content of the book, which I also felt that I was lacking in my ideas. That was clearly noted of. 
  • From the feedbacks and my personal opinion, I quite like the collection of sardine cans idea. I thought that it was quite crowded and complex, but some had said that they liked the balance and the line work or detail I could put into them. 
  • A feedback I thought was a rather constructive criticism was that I could make it even more simpler. Perhaps simply have one sardine can as the cover (?)


  • I shouldn't neglect the 10 cm flaps. Still haven't thought about the design for it.
  • I'm afraid if my designs would be too obscure that it wouldn't make sense? As much as I like creating direct representation of things, I thought that (even though developing ideas for it is a pain) creating a more abstract and loose representation of the content would be much more engaging and appealing. 


  • Explore the idea further. Perhaps draw sardine cans in various ways. 
  • Properly design the layout and composition.
  • Don't forget colours and typography/lettering!!! (A peer pointed out during feedback session whether it would be better and cleaner to have a typed-up title). This is something I should try.
  • Maybe instead of normal white cartridge paper, work with different grounding? Perhaps recycled paper or paper mache? We'll see. 

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