Wednesday 30 November 2016

COLLAGE - Mountains. And more mountains. Are they really mountains?

I enjoyed this little session we had on collaging. Usually I don't really fancy collaging because perhaps I have this preconception of collages being rather random and simply integrating visual pieces. 

A rather abstract approach

  • Through the brief presentation about collages, I found out that it doesn't necessarily have to be condensed and packed with information. I understand the part of simply creating work by doing, which I thought was an enlightening experience. 
  • I actually started off my little collage book by combining visuals and colours together, without much thought in it. Though I wasn't sure when I actually began thinking about the composition and whether the image makes sense.

  • I suppose, what I noticed about my own collage work is that it had gotten simpler and that I had incorporated more shapes and block colours. Considering the whole composition and meaning in collages isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I had to try out several things before committing to the final outcome
  • Though I quite like collaging as a process of trying things out and experimenting ideas and images. 

Meant to be a mountain/hill landscape with a sunset?
(doesn't look like it when it's in a vertical position)

I wasn't sure if this is considered a collage
(I think it is). Though I wanted to illustrate a little,
silly story.

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