Thursday 10 November 2016


Sardine Cans! Yum.

Image link:
07/sardines-can.jpg?w=580&h=348Add caption

  • I was looking through vintage can labels from around the world (in Amazon, not that I wanted to get any). Though I thought that if I had used older labels it would suit the time period of the book. But, I quite like the old can labels as they look visually appealing with the bold and striking colours

  • Design wise, some are rather simple with subtle illustrations. Whereas some can be very intricate. I might go for the simpler designs for the book cover so it wouldn't be too overwhelming and crowded.


  • I was slightly fixed on working with the sardine can concept. Though I wanted to see how the boxes idea would roughly look like and not in my head.
  • I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Now that I see it, the design is rather similar to the original cover (which I thought that it was rather plain). 
  • I actually wanted to go for a more 'inviting' and engaging cover for such a content-heavy book (it may look boring but this book will literally blow your mind and I want people to know that)



  • I honestly don't really like the composition and how it looks. Though I gave more thoughts into the flaps on the sides. 
  • The first design is minimalistic and simple. Clean. But somehow it's very lacking. Perhaps its too simple and maybe I should make more use of the space. Though I quite like the sardines on the flaps. 
  • I actually tried out with just one sardine can label as the cover and have the sardines on the flap. I quite like the idea, but somehow it looks off. With this design my only concern is the focal point (the title). I thought that it might be distracting to also have the illustrated can label below the title. Perhaps I could change the composition or typography 

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