Saturday, 21 January 2017

End of Module Student Evaluation

BA(hons) Illustration
Module Code: Visual Skills OUIL405 Visual Narratives

Name: Diandra Wardhana
Student ID: dw262485

Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms:
> poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive)

Learning Outcome
Evidenced where?
Blog, Sketchbook, Roughs Final Illustrations, development sheets etc.  (No more than 75 words)
Your grade
Using words:
> poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
Demonstrate a range of approaches to research in the collection, development and communication of source material.

Blog, Sketchbooks
Explore individual responses to creative opportunities, source material and visual research appropriate to set briefs and identified problems.

Blog, Sketchbooks
Select and investigate appropriate practical approaches to the investigation of visual development and communication of source material in response to a brief.

Blog, Sketchbooks, Roughs/Test pieces
Explore appropriate processes and techniques in the visual development of ideas relating to narrative, sequence and content.

Blog, Sketchbooks, Prototypes, Final Illustrations
Demonstrate an effective use of appropriate methods of recording, documenting and evaluating individual progress.

Blog, Sketchbooks

Evaluation (See guidance below for more information)
You are required to write a 500 word evaluation of this module.

I was pleased that I had completed this module. It ended with a sense of accomplishment and that the research and development seemed worthwhile. I would say that I am quite satisfied with the outcome, though I particularly thought that the research, development and process was rewarding as I got to explore a subject matter that I really enjoyed.

Reflecting back to my research, I had wished that I could have looked more into the subject. I have gathered sufficient information though I felt that I didn’t use the most out of my research. Perhaps I could have spent more time exploring sea life in more depth. However, I had invested most of my time and energy exploring materials and approaches to visually narrate the intent of my project. Throughout the development week(s), I discovered that I was interested in shapes and colours, as well as paper cutting. I felt that it was rather surprising since I often use watercolours and I tend to focus lot in line quality. I thought that it was a rather refreshing change. I had looked into several creative practitioners and it was helpful in terms of kick starting my development and exploration. I was particularly inspired by Jon McNaught’s practice and I felt that his approach of using short, simple sequences and moments to capture a story was charming.

I honestly felt that I had difficulties focusing during this module. Perhaps it was because the amount of independence and I sometimes would get confused with what I am going with this brief. The issue was that I had been too fixated and spent too long contemplating on the problem more than I was finding solutions. For instance when it came to creating prototypes and mockups I felt quite lost. The ideas I had were everywhere and everything seemed disconnected. However, after speaking to other people it slightly cleared out my confusion. Though it was when I took the time to pause and evaluate my work to see where I am lacking or needing to further develop. From there, I actually scrapped my initial ideas, referred back to my research and decided to focus on a particular aspect that I would like to further explore. That phase of not being able to jump the hurdle was horrible and mentally draining.

Moreover I thought that I could have equally split my time and energy with creating my final piece. I felt that I had spent most of my time trying to figure out the intent of my project. I honestly thought that creating a visual response to something was rather challenging. Perhaps it was in terms of what I would communicate and how I would effectively communicate the concept so that the audience could understand it. This was something that I need to work on and get used to. Although my general view on this module involved a mixture of fulfillment and a lot of questioning myself.

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