Saturday 21 January 2017


Front cover
Back cover

"What Lies Beneath" - title I decided to go with

  • I am quite satisfied with outcome of the picture book and how the panels turned out. I am also glad that I went with threading the book together since I tried stapling them with another copy (it was messy). Another concern is that I didn't exactly place the title of the book on the front cover, though instead its on the first page since the phrase was meant to continue through the back page.
  • Though there are just minor details that I thought I could have altered and developed. For instance, the pages with the words 'fleeting' and 'fading'. Initially placed it there since I wanted those particular terms to specifically describe the intent of the book (that and those words would be in people's minds).
  • Thinking back to it again, I honestly think that it might not really be necessary as I thought that the image itself could speak for itself. It's either that or I should have planned it better in terms of placing the text.

Additional notes
  • I feel as if I had just finished a marathon. It's an exaggeration though I personally am not good with long term projects due to several reasons: 1. I easily lose interest with the subject 2. the duration itself  
  • In terms of this project, lack of interest wasn't an issue. I really enjoyed the subject and brief. Also got to try and discover new skills and approaches to image making.
  • Due to it being a semi-long project, I really need to spread my workload. Though I also feel that the amount of 'free reign' somehow tripped me along the way. I may have needed to plan more thoroughly and evaluate my work as it progresses.

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