Tuesday 18 October 2016


20 lines, zig-zags, squares and circles


  • The introduction to drawing and line quality in illustrations was quite insightful. It was mentioned that being able to draw 'well' takes about 10,000 hours. It's not a surprise that to get better in drawing is to draw a lot. Just like the phrase 'practice makes perfect'. Though I think that the essential part is the process of exploring and discovering our mistakes and working around them.

My attempt at drawing with various lines 

  • From this exercise I thought that I may have been too focused on crafting (which Matt also pointed out). I wished I had tried to do something out of my comfort zone and see where it would take me. 
  • Perhaps it was also because I was rather fixated on getting the drawing look 'right'. Perhaps I could have been a bit more curious and explored different approaches.
  • Also looking at other people's sketchbooks, I quite like the ones that tried out different media or tweaking/altering one subject, perhaps the colour, shapes or composition. Though, I thought that it was a nice experience to actually see other people's journeys and thought process clearly just from their sketchbooks.

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