Monday 17 October 2016

TYPOLOGY POSTER WEEK 2 - Thoughts & Feedback


  • I could see that people quite like the colour scheme and how it's striking, which I agree with. I think that the time I used testing out colours were worth it. Also I received comments regarding the concept and use of cutting the paper out. 
  • During the group critique, I came across a particular typology poster that I thought was very well-crafted. She had 'how to hide' as her prompt. 
  • What I enjoyed from her work is the simplicity and engages with the audience as she had little characters hidden in different places inside a house. I also thought that the composition was very clever, as she placed the typology of places to hide in one subject (the house).
Final Poster

Thoughts & what I've learned?

  • I am quite satisfied with the outcome. However, there are a few things that I thought could have been better. I think that I could have either used different media or light shade of navy blue since the electronic devices aren't too visible. It's lost within the brightness of the background. 
  • The icons are drawn a bit too small, thus some logos or symbols aren't really coherent. 
  • Though I think that this concept communicates the idea of 'disappearing' more effectively, even though it isn't literal. The whole plug and switch idea is rather essential as it ties the whole concept of getting off the internet/social media by deleting your account or forever switching off any electronic device. 
  • What I've generally learned is that I could have tried different approaches and experiment with more media until I exhaust all possible ideas. 

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