Wednesday 12 October 2016

TYPOLOGY WEEK 2 - The most indecisive moment of my life

This week I started to refine and develop my ideas first before actually working on the final piece. There were things that I wasn't too satisfied about and still conflicted on which ideas to put forward.



I wanted to use the disguise concept and draw 24 different types of masks. What I had in mind was that I would have 1 'real' face amongst a crowd of disguises.



Taking back my previous words of not using the idea of 'disappearing from the internet', a last minute idea came up. During the group critic, a comment stood out to me, which says 'to link' my concepts since I had various ideas and possibilities. 

Exploring Materials & Concepts

  • I wanted to go for different hues of blue for my poster. But I am still not too fixated on that and I would need to test it out whether it would suit the whole concept. 
  • I explored more on the stamping process, though this time I used acrylic since ink tends to bleed a lot. It came out a lot thicker and gave more solid results
  • Out of curiosity, I wanted to try and implement collaging. I had just used person's face from the magazine and stuck it on. I think that it does a good job in creating an illusion of wearing a 'fake' face. Though I wasn't sure how it would look if it were monochromatic and have a page filled with 24 collaged faces. 

Trying out a light box

  • I thought that hand drawing the same figure 24 times would be inefficient and it definitely wouldn't produce identical images. I tried out tracing over a rough sketch of hands, which I sampled from my 'erase' concept. The light box was really handy since I could draw the same image over and over.

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