Sunday 23 October 2016


I had quite an enjoyable time tweaking around and exploring Photoshop.

Original illustration
5th edit

 I think this work is the one I am most satisfied with. I was surprised on how much the tone and mood could change with slight colour change/composition. There is something about a clear, simple aesthetic that gives an understated, elegant tone. Also I wouldn't want to completely alter the original illustration. 

4th edit

I was talking to a friend who said that this looked like something from an album cover. Now that I think about it, it reminds me of those indie album covers that has low saturated, simplistic shapes and obscure photographs. 
3rd edit

I was actually inspired by the blue and red of anaglyph 3D photographs. So I wanted to try it out with the drawing and it turned out quite interesting. Comparing it to the original ink illustration, this composition creates a completely different character as it gives a more graphic vibe

2nd edit

1st edit

To wrap it off, I enjoyed tweaking around Photoshop. For future reference, I may want to make subtle edits (without butchering the original), perhaps colouring in sketches or add slight line work digitally. I would try and appreciate Photoshop to an extent. I wouldn't want to completely alter the original piece and lose that essence of analog work

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