Sunday 26 February 2017

ACTS OF KINDNESS - Background Research

"What defines success?"

"What is satisfaction? What is self-appraisal?"


'Pay It Forward' concept

Expressing empathy/sympathy to loved ones

Societal pressure

How can I help - be the first to reach out

Give compliments 

Be kind to yourself first

Sharing is caring

Be a listener 

Express yourself!


  • From these ideas, I thought of the issue of social pressure in which I personally think that it is quite a big issue within the youth and adults in general. I also thought that it was something that might be interesting to look into and further explore
  • I thought that it might be too personal (?) or is a sensitive subject to discuss. However I felt that, I see social pressure everywhere, on media, with celebrities and even the people around me. It was something that I thought I couldn't ignore and wanted the world to know. 
  • I was briefly looking into the idea of social pressure and how it came to be. I would say that the digital world, modern society and success came hand in hand with social pressure. I need to look more into the HOWs and WHYs

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