Thursday 16 February 2017


too long? crowded?

0.1 sec

0.2 sec (I quite the calming, lazy movement). The
green adds a calming tone to contrast the earthy/solid
red and browns
  • It surprises me how the timing changes things. I had to do several tests for the timing, since sometimes it could either be too fast that I couldn't catch on the movement or that it's too slow and the movement becomes chunky.
  • Though generally, I would go for a faster time and loop it. But I noticed that brief moment of movement that would make me keep watching it over and over until my brain processes the gif.

Test 2
  • I edited this on photoshop (just added a background colour) and the colours really bring out the characters.
  • Though I am not too sure about the colours changing in the background?? Sure it is striking, but it might be too distracting and divides the attention from the main subject.

Test 3

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