Saturday 11 February 2017


I am actually really enjoying this exploration and experimentation with gifs...

(First attempt)
Added more elements and movement.


  • Making gifs isn't as simple as I thought it would be. I suppose I am getting a hang of making them in Photoshop. Though I think that I would like to explore creating more movements (?)
  • At this point, I am still not fixed with how my gifs would look like. I suppose I am quite stuck with the composition of the gif and which parts I would animate etc. (lots to consider!)
  • Though I briefly mentioned my gif to a peer and they told me to check out a short animation. It's a very simple (maybe lack of content) but I found the looping, the colours and character really funny and interesting (the music helps the mood too!)
  • It's the slight changes in colour and composition throughout the repetition that catches my attention.

Beep Boop from Juliana Chen on Vimeo.

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