Wednesday 22 February 2017

ACTS OF KINDNESS - introduction to very, very simple image-making

  • Currently I am feeling both excitement and worry. I am excited in terms of designing simple and minimal illustrations, as I like working with colours and shapes. Though my worry is visually communicating the idea. I need to consider a lot about the imagery, something that people would universally understand.
prompt: playing table tennis
Very simple and minimal. I like. 

  • I am really looking forward to this next brief! I quite like how loose and broad this brief is in terms of visualising the idea of 'kindness', which the concept in itself is very open to interpretation
  • I suppose there are a few concerns that I have in mind at the moment. One of it being the limitation to only using Adobe Illustrator (in which I still quite unfamiliar with). The other involves how I would communicate this 'act of kindness' through design. 
  • Though I am really excited in terms of being able to explore and visually communicating ideas through shapes and simplicity.

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