Thursday 9 February 2017

SCREEN PRINTING! - Fan art and planning (?)

I often create fan arts/sketches during my spare time, but somehow when we were given this brief, my mind seemed to be blank.

More Japanese culture + food
Japanese culture (?)


  • I may have thought too much about the brief particularly the requirements such as using composition and elements that we have been discussing in this module
  • I thought of flipping this brief around (which I sometimes like to do), though it was quite tricky to do so for this brief. 
  • I made a few roughs, though somehow the composition doesn't feel right? It would either be rather flat/dull or just awkward to look at. I was trying to go for a simple and minimalistic approach, focusing on light and shadow (Japanese aesthetics!) Though I still can't figure out how to convey that especially when we are limited to two colours and layers for screen printing
  • Another thing I am worried is that, it is a screen print so I needed to consider the shape and perhaps use less detail and more block colours (?)

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