Tuesday 14 February 2017

I SEE FACES - It's getting there...!

Living rocks. I was partially inspired by this
conspiracy theory I read saying 
that rocks are jelly-like 
but if we touch them they become solid!

Pattern/detail or no?

It feels different now with the fast-paced text behind
  • The fast movement at the back gives an illusion that the shadow is moving much more smoothly? Perhaps now the attention towards the movement are everywhere that it may lose focus on the subject itself
  • That and I got a hang of timing, photoshop effects and layering (this gif literally have about 60 layers)
  • When making this particular GIF, I had the 'oohs' and 'aahs' from Don Cherry's song stuck in my mind. Though I felt that those particular parts accurately depicts my characters -being rather playful and quirky. I might actually base most of my GIFs on sounds.
yay or nay at the grainy effect? Too much?

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