Tuesday 28 March 2017

Persons of note - Final designs

  • I think that this project and the previous ones had been very graphic design-like, with lots of shapes and solid colours. Though looking back at it, I would like to try to work with different ways of making images (media-wise). I feel that I have been working with the basic paper collage lately.
  •  But I really like the organic/handcrafted feeling, though perhaps combining digital media with analog work would actually look nice? Then again, it would also depend on the aesthetic I am going for. 
  • I would say that I am most satisfied with this brief, in terms of the research, process and the thought put into it. I honestly wouldn't change much about the final outcome. Though I feel that I could have tried mono print or digital media (it is also possible approach). I feel that this project reflected my interests and practice the most.

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