Thursday 2 March 2017

ACTS OF KINDNESS - Development/inspirations


- courage
- no is okay
- don't be a sheep
- do what you want! 
- do you! Just do you!

" life a genre is a trap, just  like music because you 
become an idiot as soon as you're tied down there (a trend/society)" - DO YOU, Rapmon (Kim Namjoon)

"Pear pressure" Get it? Haha.
(shouldn't joke about this though)
"Don't be a sheep?"


Hogu - Giriboy

  • Lately I have been inspired by Korean music videos (the niche/indie artists). I just love the effort they but in their videos and the aesthetics of it. Somehow the colours, composition juxtaposes the content heavy lyrics
  • Though the simplicity and use of retro props brings out the post-modern aesthetics. I like the contrast of digital culture aesthetics and old, antique items/themes
  • I find it interesting that music has been inspiring me lately. I suppose it may because of the fact that I constantly listen/watch it. Though I want to try and look beyond the computer screen and see things around me instead. I feel that I have been quite constricted within the internet/digital world. 

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