Sunday 26 March 2017

Persons of note - semi-final designs

Poster: testing composition. Looks like 
it's actually playing the piano
  • I was quite glad that I didn't immediately stuck down the pieces as I kept changing the composition. It was quite tricky as I had to consider the subject being centred or not, whether it is crowding or better spread out (?)
Initial postcard designs
  • I really like gouache, though for this particular brief, I wasn't sure if it would suit the concept. Though I like the flat texture and matte finish. But I could still see the brush marks and didn't come out as solid as I wanted
  • Though I quite like the clarity of the shapes against a flat background (no patterns or anything). I'll maintain the shape-driven/simple aesthetic. Though I'll test out different materials.
Postcard design 1 (did some embroidery)
  • I actually prefer the more graphic aesthetics and solid shapes. I feel that it suits the concept more (?) But to begin with, illustrating 'sound' is already difficult as it is. Though I think that using basic, universal shapes is an effective approach as they are recognisable
  • I also quite like how the embroidery turns out. It adds an organic feel to the whole image, juxtaposing the rigid, geometrical shapes.

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